Prime Dive

Art Direction, UX/UI

2022 Clio Entertainment Emerging Creative Award Shortlist

The Challenge: To establish Prime Video as an inventive streaming service in a December holiday brand campaign, celebrating how the immersive entertainment of Prime Video and our deep-diver fans are unique.

Insight: Deep-diver fans are not single-screen viewers. They read background and production info on their phone while watching to enhance the content.

Solution: Prime Dive: A streamlined method of exploring that depth, where all the background information is consolidated into one location and takes you to filmographies, exclusive content, Amazon items, etc.

AD: Alyssa DeStefano - Role: Ideation, Logo and App Design, Banner Ad

AD: Jake Freedgood

AD: Amelia Heusinkveld

CW: Matt Genise

CW: Anthony Martinez


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